Jun 17, 2022

Running This Summer? Manage PFPS with Physical Therapy

Crisp Living.

If you are a runner, you may be familiar with patellofemoral pain syndrome, also referred to as PFPS. PFPS can actually affect non-runners as well, but it is more common in runners. PFPS can cause a dull ache and sometimes sharp pain in the knee. This can make everyday movements such as walking up or down stairs, kneeling, or squatting painful and difficult.

How is PFPS treated?

One of the most effective ways to treat PFPS is with physical therapy. A physical therapist can help target the surrounding muscles and tendons of the affected knee in order to help build strength and support in the area. This can be done in a few ways.

1. Exercises

Your physical therapist can recommend exercises and stretches to create more strength around your knee. They may also recommend modifications to your normal exercise routine until the knee has healed.

2. Tape

A physical therapist can tape your knee to provide support. They may also use a brace or arch support shoe insert to provide added support.

3. At-home treatment

There are things you can do at home to help treat your PFPS in addition to physical therapy. Ice your knee after activity. And make sure you are giving your knee rest if it needs it. Overexerting yourself could make your PFPS worse.

If you leave your PFPS untreated, it could lead to further injury to your leg, hip, or ankles. If you think you may have PFPS speak to a physical therapist to have the area evaluated and start treating it before it worsens.

Crisp Regional has an excellent team of physical therapists ready to help you get back to running pain-free.

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