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Sep 17, 2021

Prostate Cancer Awareness

Cancer Awareness.

Prostate cancer is a disease found in the prostate, a small gland in the male reproductive system. Prostate cancer often grows slowly and stays localized to the prostate. It is important for men to understand the risks and symptoms of prostate cancer so that it can be diagnosed and treated.

Who is at risk for prostate cancer?

Prostate cancer is most often found in men over the age of 50.  It is also more likely for men with African American ancestry to develop prostate cancer than white men. Military men who were exposed to Agent Orange are also at a higher risk for developing the cancer. Prostate cancer can also run in families, so it is important to be aware of your family medical history when determining what your risk is for prostate cancer.

Early detection is key.

When detected early, the chance of curing prostate cancer greatly increases. The 5-year survival rate for men in whom prostate cancer is detected early is more than 98 percent. Men should talk to their doctors about making a plan to get tested for prostate cancer, as well as inform their doctors of any risk factors. Guidelines for how often a man should be tested for prostate cancer varies based on risk level, but most commonly, a man should be tested every 2-4 years.

How can you prevent prostate cancer?

Prostate health is impacted significantly by your overall health, so it is important to take care of your body and create healthy habits in your daily life. Some things you can do to contribute to a healthy lifestyle are

  • Eat a healthy diet, rich in fruits and vegetables
  • Stay active
  • Aim to maintain a healthy weight
  • Limit alcohol consumption
  • Quit smoking
  • Have regular exams with your doctor
You can take charge of your prostate health by living a healthy lifestyle, knowing your risk, and regularly talking with your doctor about testing and prevention. Talk to your friends and family as well about ways that they can decrease their risk of prostate cancer and ensure that if diagnosed, it is detected early.

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