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May 3, 2021

National Physical Education and Sport Week

Healthy Living.

As we near the end of the school year and the beginning of warm summer weather, now is a great time to celebrate physical education and health education. National Physical Education and Sports Week is May 1-7, which kicks off National Physical Fitness and Sports Month.

Regular exercise contributes to a healthy heart and lungs, good mental health, and maintaining a healthy weight.

Perhaps this year, more than ever, we have learned the importance of getting outside to move and exercise. The purpose of National Education and Sport Week is to raise awareness about the need for childhood education to include fitness and exercise in the curriculum. Of course, exercise is something that people of all ages benefit from, and the best way to encourage kids to get moving is to lead by example.

Here are some ways you can celebrate National Physical Education and Sports Week:

1.      Learn more about physical education programming at your kids’ school. 

One great way to make sure your child is receiving a good physical education is to ask them about it. Talk to your children about what they are learning and what their favorite ways to exercise are.

2.      Provide your child with choices.

Every child is different. And while some kids may enjoy team sports, others may like activities like dancing or running better. There is no right or wrong when it comes to getting exercise, so make sure your child has found something that they enjoy doing.

3.      Make it a family activity.

Some families are doing remote learning at this time, meaning that their children may not be participating in physical education activities like they normally would if they were attending school in person.
This is the perfect opportunity for the whole family to get active. Find something you and your whole family enjoy doing together, such as taking an online dance class, playing catch in the park, or going for a hike.

4.      Use social media to raise awareness. 

Share pictures of your family getting active together to help promote healthy lifestyles to your family and friends.

Not only is physical education super important, but it can also be a really fun way to spend time together as a family, enjoy good weather, and discover new hobbies. Take time to celebrate National Physical Education and Sports week with your family this year.

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