Aug 10, 2021

National Immunization Awareness Month

Healthy Living.

National Immunization Awareness Month is observed each August to raise awareness about the importance of vaccines. This year it is especially important for us to learn and educate our friends and family about vaccines as the COVID-19 vaccines are widely available.

Why are vaccines important?

Vaccines enable people to protect themselves from dangerous illnesses. Many diseases that were previously very harmful to people have become rare and, in some cases, eliminated completely thanks to vaccines. When people get vaccinated, they protect themselves from getting sick and protect the people around them. Staying up to date on the recommended vaccines is an easy way to take care of yourself and your community.

What are the recommended vaccinations?

Different vaccines are recommended for different ages. In some cases, children who receive the recommended vaccines when they are younger need a booster shot when they get older to remain protected against disease.

A full list of recommended vaccines can be found on the CDC website. But it is always a good idea for you and your children to get the flu shot each year, especially as we head into a new school year.

Most of the recent conversation about vaccines has been centered on the COVID-19 vaccine. It is very important to get vaccinated against COVID-19 as soon as you can. However, it is also important to stay up to date on all of the other important vaccines. If you are not sure which vaccines you or your children should have, ask your doctor.

How You Can Help Spread Awareness

  • Educate yourself: The more you know about vaccinations, the more you will be able to help your friends and family understand why they are important. Your doctor will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
  • Use social media carefully: While social media can be a great tool for those who want to learn about and share vaccine information, it can also be easy to come across misinformation. Make sure that the information you read or share comes from a reputable source.
  • Encourage your friends and family to get vaccinated: The more people get vaccinated, the safer our communities will be. Share with your friends and family why you chose to get vaccinated and encourage them to do the same.

When it comes to protecting each other from getting sick, we’re all in it together. Staying up to date on your vaccines is a great way to do your part in keeping your community safe.

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