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Jun 1, 2018

7 Orthopedic Issues


Any problems associated with your body’s musculoskeletal system fall under the category of orthopedic issues.  Most orthopedic conditions are painful, and if they aren’t treated properly, they can cause other health problems. Below is a list of some of the most common orthopedic problems and the best ways to treat them.

Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is one of the most common orthopedic issues. Almost everyone experiences back pain at some time in life. Often, it is mild and goes away after some time. However, in some cases, symptoms are significant enough that they require medical attention.
If your back pain is affecting your quality of life or causing other medical problems, it may be a sign of a bigger health issue. Some back pain can be relieved with medication or physical therapy, while some pain may be best treated with surgery.

Knee pain

Knee pain is often experienced by athletes, but it can affect anyone.  While some knee pain is caused by injury or overuse, other knee pain is caused by conditions like osteoarthritis.  In most cases, knee pain requires medical attention.  Some conditions simply require physical therapy, while others require more extensive treatments like surgery.

Hamstring injuries

Again, a hamstring-related injury is most often experienced by athletes. Soccer and football players are prone to this kind of injury, as well as runners. This injury is usually a tear in one of the hamstrings, and it can be very painful. Physical therapy, and sometimes surgery, is required for complete healing.

Plantar fasciitis

The plantar fascia is the tissue that connects the heal to the ball of the foot. If it tears or becomes inflamed, it can be painful to walk. Adults over the age of 40 are more likely to get plantar fasciitis, but it can affect people of all ages. Physical therapy is an extremely beneficial treatment for plantar fasciitis.


Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine. Often, the spine will make an “S” or “C” shape, and individual vertebrae may rotate. Contrary to popular belief, scoliosis is not caused by bad posture; however, a person with scoliosis may lean to one side.
If you think you have scoliosis, you should have it examined repeatedly – especially if you think you are not finished growing – because it could worsen over time. A brace may be worn to prevent further curvature, and in severe cases, surgery may be required to straighten the spine.

Hip Fracture

Hip fractures are most commonly a result of a fall and are a common injury for people of older age. Osteoporosis is also a leading cause of hip fractures. Depending on a person’s overall health when a hip fracture occurs, other health conditions may arise as a result of complications from the hip fracture.  Most often, a hip fracture is treated with surgery. Maintaining good bone health will decrease your chance of experiencing a hip fracture.


Arthritis is the swelling of a joint. It is painful and often causes stiffness in and around the affected joints. Your risk of having arthritis increases with age, and women are more likely than men to have arthritis. Arthritis is also hereditary, so if arthritis is in your family history, you may be more likely to have it.

Medication can help relieve the pain associated with arthritis.  Some other common treatments include massage, acupuncture, joint immobilization, and surgery.
Seeing a doctor who specializes in orthopedics and the problems you are experiencing is the first step to treating your orthopedic condition.  Crisp Regional Hospital is proud to offer excellent orthopedic health care from its outstanding physicians.

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