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Dec 13, 2019

New Year’s Resolution Tips for the Whole Family


It’s that time of year where we begin making New Year’s resolutions again. This is a common practice for adults, but studies have shown that setting resolutions can be good for the whole family.  So this year, try making setting New Year’s resolutions something that your kids can get involved in too.

Work as a family team

Making resolutions together as a family is a good way to get everyone to work collectively for a common goal. Consider setting one resolution together as a family or support each other in individual resolutions. Even young children can set an age-appropriate resolution, and the support from other family members will be meaningful and encouraging.
Some fun family resolution ideas include:
  • Eating less sugar
  • Exercising more
  • Spending less time looking at screens and more time outside

Teach your children how to plan well

Setting a resolution usually involves making a plan to achieve that resolution, and this can be a valuable lesson for children.
Teach them that setting small steps is a good way to achieve a big goal.  Also, encourage them to push through obstacles and set-backs, and offer encouragement to keep going when they need it.

Keep each other accountable

One of the most important parts of successfully following through with a resolution is having a strong support system and accountability partner or team.  When you do this as a family your children get to keep their parents accountable, and also experience the support of being held accountable.
  • Consider checking in with everyone’s progress each night at dinner
  • Let your kids know you’re always happy to help
  • Allow your kids to help keep you accountable as well

How to Help Your Child Set a New Year’s Resolution

  • While you may have several ideas about what your child could work on improving this year, it is important for your child to decide what they want to choose on their own.
  • Help your child set some smaller goals that will work up to the larger resolution.  It’s easier to stick to completing something when the goals are smaller and feel more attainable.
  • Stay positive.  This should be a fun, encouraging family bonding process.  It can be easy to get discouraged by setbacks but work on keeping an optimistic attitude as a family.

Celebrate the Victories and Milestones

This is another great opportunity for family time.  Celebrate reaching a goal by doing something fun together as a family.  Spend time reflecting on how far you have come and the successes achieved.  It will be fun to look back at the end of the year and see the ways each family member has grown and how you’ve all grown together as a family.

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