Crisp Urgent Care will be open 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. on Christmas Eve
The following clinics will be open 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. on Christmas Eve:
All physician offices and clinics will be CLOSED on CHRISTMAS DAY.
For medical emergencies or treatment needed on Christmas Day, please visit our Emergency Room located at 902 N 7th Street, Cordele, GA 31015
Crisp Living.
Here at Crisp Regional Hospital, our team is dedicated to not just treating illnesses, but empowering the community with knowledge about their health. Today, let’s unravel the common thread that ties together high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol—three serious health conditions that, when coexisting, form the intricate web known as metabolic syndrome.
Metabolic syndrome is more prevalent than we might think; approximately one in three American adults grapple with this health challenge. The stakes are high, as metabolic syndrome amplifies the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and other chronic conditions. At the core of metabolic syndrome are five key conditions, as outlined by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute:
Metabolic syndrome often accompanies insulin resistance, where the body struggles to produce enough insulin to counteract the resistance, leading to increased blood sugar levels and eventually type 2 diabetes.
Moreover, the risk of metabolic syndrome rises with age, positioning it to become the primary risk factor for cardiovascular disease, surpassing even cigarette smoking, according to the American Heart Association.
The good news is that metabolic syndrome is largely preventable through lifestyle modifications. Maintaining a healthy weight, adopting a nutritious diet, and engaging in regular physical activity play pivotal roles. In some cases, medications may be necessary to manage specific conditions associated with metabolic syndrome.
Your Crisp team is here! Engage in a dialogue with your healthcare provider about your risk of metabolic syndrome. Regular health checkups and proactive conversations can be the keys to a healthier, more resilient future. Together, let’s navigate the path to well-being and vitality.
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