There is a lot of information circling about the COVID vaccines. It can be difficult to sort through all of the information in order to get answers to your questions and concerns about the vaccine. Below, we’ll discuss some of the myths about the COVID vaccines and provide information about how the vaccines work.
Myth #1: “The vaccine is not safe, because it was developed too quickly.”
Researchers had actually already been working on vaccines for other types of SARS viruses before COVID was introduced. This gave them a foundation to build on for the COVID vaccines, so they didn’t have to start from scratch. Once developed, the vaccines were tested and given FDA emergency use authorization. In order for a vaccine to be approved for emergency use by the FDA, it needs to be proven safe and effective.
Myth #2: “If I’ve already had COVID, I do not need to get vaccinated.”
It is true that having a prior COVID infection may provide some immunity to the virus. However, reinfection is still possible, and studies have shown that those who are unvaccinated and who previously had COVID are more than twice as likely as those who have been vaccinated to be reinfected.
Additionally, the natural immunity provided by a previous infection may not protect against newer mutations of the virus.
If you have recently had COVID, your
doctor may recommend that you wait a few weeks before getting the vaccine.
Myth #3: “The COVID vaccines have severe side effects.”
Many people will experience mild side effects similar to those you might experience after receiving a flu vaccine. These include:
- Fatigue
- Headache
- Body aches
- Chills
- Fever
- Swollen lymph nodes
- Pain at injection site
However, these mild side effects should subside within a day or two. A very small amount of people may be
allergic to ingredients in the vaccine. After receiving the vaccine, you may be monitored for 15 minutes to make sure you do not experience an allergic reaction.
Myth #4: “The COVID vaccine isn’t effective.”
Thankfully, in many cases, the vaccine is able to prevent infection in people who have been exposed to COVID. However, the true purpose of the vaccine is to prevent severe illness, hospitalization, and death, which it does very well, even when someone is infected.
When someone is infected with COVID after being vaccinated, they are significantly less likely to experience severe symptoms.
Myth #5: “Getting the booster shot isn’t really necessary…”
Like many other types of vaccines, the immunity provided by the vaccine can wane over time. A booster shot ensures that your body still has a good immune defense against COVID even as time goes on. There are different guidelines for receiving a booster shot depending on the type of vaccine,
age, and general health.
Myth #6: “COVID vaccines can cause infertility and miscarriage.”
The COVID vaccines are recommended for those who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or trying to get pregnant. The COVID vaccine is safe for women and will not affect fertility.
On the other hand, COVID infection has been associated with complications in
pregnancy and birth, meaning that the health risks for you and your baby are much higher with contracting COVID than with getting the vaccine.
We know how important it is to be informed about the health decisions you make. By countering incorrect information about vaccines and knowing the facts, you can feel empowered to protect yourself and your
family from COVID-19.