Dec 10, 2021

Celebrating the Holidays While a Loved One is Ill

Crisp Living.

The holidays are meant to be festive and happy times spent with family and friends. That shouldn’t have to change when a loved one is in the hospital. Below, we discuss some ways that families can embrace the holiday spirit even in challenging conditions.

Keep Traditions

While having a loved one in the hospital during the holidays may disrupt some of your family’s normal traditions, try to prioritize keeping whatever traditions you can. There are many holiday activities you can easily do at the hospital. A simple gift exchange, a Christmas movie night, or even cookie decorating can help bring the family together and create a sense of normalcy, as well as provide some holiday joy.

Make space for all emotions

The holidays are certainly a time for joy and celebration. But when a loved one is ill, the holidays can also bring up feelings of sadness, disappointment, and frustration. Feeling this way is normal, and it is important to make space to express those emotions alongside the joy and celebration.

It is okay if you and your family members feel differently than you normally would during the holidays. Be careful not to feel like you need to ignore your feelings for the sake of having a happy holiday season.

The holidays are often a time of showing kindness, and it is important to make sure that you are showing that kindness to yourself in addition to those around you.

Practice gratitude

Taking time to intentionally reflect on what you are thankful for can be a great way to put things into perspective during the holidays. It can be easy to see the hospital as a sad place to spend the holidays. But changing the perspective and seeing the hospital as a place of healing where your loved one can receive the care they need from excellent doctors and nurses so that they can heal is a great way to practice gratitude.

The holidays may look different if you have a loved one in the hospital, but this time spent together as a family can be incredibly rewarding and special. Remember that there are still opportunities to keep old traditions and make new memories.

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