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Aug 3, 2022

Avoiding Heat-Related Illnesses All Summer Long

Safety Tips.

With many places around the country experiencing heat waves and record temperatures, it is important to know how you can protect yourself and your family from heat related illness. Whether you are working outside, or enjoying fun outdoor activities, there are things you can do to make time spent outside safer and more enjoyable.


Drinking enough water is always important, but it is especially so when temperatures are high. This is because you tend to lose more water through sweat as your body works to cool itself down. Symptoms of dehydration can include headache and fatigue. If dehydration is not treated, it can lead to more serious heat-related illnesses.

Heat Cramps

One of the problems that dehydration can cause are heat cramps. This is because without water and electrolytes, your muscles may cramp. Heat cramps can be treated by drinking plenty of water and resting. If your symptoms don’t resolve, or you develop other symptoms, this could be a sign of a more serious issue.

Heat Stroke

This illness is a medical emergency, and it can result in death or permanent disability if not treated quickly enough. It results from the body’s inability to cool itself down after being in high temperatures for too long. A person experiencing heat stroke may appear confused and slur their speech. They may also experience seizures and even lose consciousness. If you or someone near you experiences these symptoms, call for emergency medical help immediately.


This is a condition in which muscle tissues breaks down and releases proteins and electrolytes into the blood. This causes heart and kidney damage. Symptoms of Rhabdomyolysis include muscle weakness and pain and dark, brownish urine. This illness requires immediate medical attention in order to avoid permanent heart or kidney damage.

How can you avoid heat-related illnesses?

All of these illnesses can be prevented simply by drinking plenty of fluids and avoiding spending too much time in high temperatures. When you are planning to spend time outside be sure to bring plenty of water along with you. Before you head out, check to see what the weather will be like and how high the temperature and UV index will be. Try to find space in the shade if you will be outside for a long period of time, and make a plan to go somewhere cooler if you or someone you are with start experiencing symptoms of heat related illness.

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